Captain America , Between the Enemy and The Past

After the incident in New York in The Avangers [ 2012] , Captain America or Steve Rogers [ Chris Evans ] chose a quiet life in Washington DC . He tried to blend in with the surrounding circumstances .Unfortunately, life is not as smooth as expected . Suddenly SHIELD , coworkers -arms attack. Life of the Captain was disturbed . He is required to act again . This time he was again involved in a mystery that may endanger the world .Along the Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff [ Scralett Johanson ] , he begins to unravel a conspiracy that is endangering himself . Due to an incident he now has to face his past as part of his greatest enemy .A ruthless killer and professionals known as The Winter Soldier will compete with the action in the Captain America sequel .Indeed, no one has to know the plot of the sequel this time . However , when viewed from the comic series that had already been published , Captain America will fight his own partner .At the same titled comic tells the story of James Buchanan " Bucky " Barnes , Captain America partner captured and used as a super -powered killer who became known as the Winter Soldier , as previously described .Outside battle with Captain America The Winter Soldier , will present a involved. He is known by the name of Falcon . Narrated Falcon Captain America will be a partner in this sequel .Falcon has the strength that comes from the costumes . Of force that he can fly and add to its basic strength . Falcon also narrated capable of telepathy with the species of birds that will relate to the adventures of Captain America this time .It would be like if the Captain America sequel ? Is Captain America was able to defeat his old partner and able to work well with the Falcon ? That is, if the story in the film is adapted exactly the original comic .capt editFilm will run started 2 April 2014 in Indonesia , two days earlier than the scheduled release in the U.S. on April 4, 2014. « [ Text @ nandiyanti | photo ]Captain America : The Winter SoldierDirected by Anthony and Joe RussoPlayers Chis Evans , Scarlett Johansson , Robert Redford , Samuel L. Jackson , Anthony Mackie
Genre Action Adventure
Duration 136 minutes
About The Author

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