Kian Egan hopes to Reunion with Westlife

The dissolution of Westlife in 2012 ago in fact did not make the charm Kian Egan, a former personnel, participate dimmed. Even the 33-year-old man now went on to become a soloist.

But for personal Kian, it is not impossible if one day re Westlife reunion. This he expressed through a question and answer session with DigitalSpy.

"I hope so! However I really do not know," Kian replied when asked about the possibility of a reunion concert Westlife.

Some time ago, Kian also compared with boyband Westlife international is currently on the rise, One Direction. According to him, the British boyband still less compact with Westlife first.

"I pay attention to them and they do not seem sekompak with us who was in Westlife, especially those who are still together about three or four years," said Kian.
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